National Disability Authority seeks an Expert by Experience

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If you have lived experience of disability and an interest in disability related research, then we would like to hear from you.

The NDA is seeking an expert by experience to review applications for three externally funded research proposals in 2025. To ensure that the research we fund is relevant to disabled people and includes elements of collaborative research the NDA requires an independent expert by experience to assist us in the evaluation of funding applications.

What does an expert by experience reviewer do?

You will be required to:

  • read a selection of the research proposals that the NDA receives
  • grade the proposals using the NDA’s marking criteria
  • attend meeting(s) with the review panel to discuss and shortlist the proposals
  • sit on an interview panel for shortlisted applicants (where applicable)

Eligibility criteria

The following criteria must be met to be considered for the role.

  • personal lived experience of disability
  • some familiarity with research processes, in particular collaborative research or Public and Patient Involvement
  • interest in disability related research
  • ability to review documents and attend meetings in a relatively tight timeline

Current research calls

Autism Innovation Strategy

The NDA has Calls out for two health related literature reviews to contribute to the Autism Innovation Strategy. The review process will take place between Monday 28th April and Friday 9th May 2025.

  • Literature Review 1: Autism, LGBTQ+ Identities and Health
  • Literature Review 2: Autism, Ageing and Life-Expectancy

Research Promotion Scheme

The NDA’s Research Promotion Scheme funds quality research on disability in Ireland across a variety of issues. The 2025-2026 NDA Research Promotion Scheme will be launched later in 2025.

Time commitment and remuneration

The time commitment for each review will vary depending on the number of applications received but will not exceed two and a half days per review. Meetings can be attended remotely.

A stipend will be provided at a set rate following the receipt of an invoice. Vouched expenses will also be refunded. The NDA may be obliged to apply a taxable deduction such as Professional Services Withholding Tax (PSWT). Please note that successful applicants who are currently in full time employment in the public sector will not receive a stipend based on the one person one salary principle.

If you wish to apply, please send a cover letter (1 page) and CV (two-page max) to by COB Monday 14th April 2025.

For queries, please email

Applicants will be shortlisted based on the criteria above. Applicants must be available on Wednesday 16th April 2025 (PM) for a short virtual interview with members of the NDA review panel.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide