ACJRD (Association of Criminal Justice Research and Development): 18th Annual Martin Tansey Memorial Lecture

ACJRD (Association of Criminal Justice Research and Development) would be very pleased if you could join us for the 18th Annual Martin Tansey Memorial Lecture at 5.30pm on Thursday, 1st May 2025 in the Criminal Courts of Justice, Parkgate St, Dublin 8.

18th Annual Martin Tansey Memorial Lecture poster

The lecture will be given by Dr Stephanie O’Keeffe, CEO, Cuan who will speak about 'Strategy to tackle domestic, sexual and gender based violence in Ireland'.

Drawing on her experience of national strategy development and implementation, Dr. O’Keeffe will discuss national strategies over the last 15 years to address Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Ireland, with a particular focus on Zero Tolerance, the current, third national strategy. This talk will draw out the main domains of activity to prevent domestic and sexual violence, to protect victims and survivors and to ensure effective pathways to and through justice. Dr. O’Keeffe will explore the complex issues at hand, the importance of partnership and critical success factors for implementation and impact.

More information and the link to register is on our website:

  • Date: Thursday 1st May 2025
  • Time: 5.15pm registration and refreshments, the lecture will begin at 5.45pm sharp and end at 7.00pm.
  • Location: The lecture will take place in the Jury Room, Criminal Courts of Justice (CCJ), Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, D08 K6YH
  • Places are limited and priority will be given to ACJRD members.
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin 8