TASC: Invitation to Participate in an online Financial Education for Young People Focus Group


Help Shape Financial Education for Young People | 4th September, 14:30-16:00

TASC is looking for participants for an online focus group on Wednesday, 4th September from 14:30 to 16:00. If you wish to participate, please complete our registration form.

This session will explore the experiences of individuals who work with people aged 16-24, gathering perspectives on the financial literacy, concerns, and stresses of the young people you support. Funded by The Irish Banking Culture Board (IBCB), the research is part of an initiative that aims to bridge the gap in financial education for Irish young people who may not be adequately served by existing school-based programmes, or who face an increased risk of financial hardship. By joining this session, you will help inform the development of a training programme designed for front-line service providers who engage with young people. Your insights are vital in shaping effective training and influencing policy in this area.

Please share this email with anyone who might be interested.

For more information, please contact me at dguy@tasc.ie.

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Region: Online