Age Friendly Ireland 2024 Awards – Apply Now

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Are you involved in a project that makes your community more age friendly, improving quality of life for older people? Applications are now open for the annual National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards. This awards aim to recognise and showcase good practice to encourage communities and agencies to adopt best practice in becoming age friendly.

The award categories align to the World Health Organisation Age Friendly themes – Transport, Active & Healthy Ageing, Business Innovation, Safety & Security, Communications, Environment, Community Innovation and Housing.

Local and national initiatives are welcome to apply from all sectors. The online application is a simple 3 page form focusing on a short description of the Project and its aims, the challenges and outcomes. Find out more and apply here:

Closing Date: Friday 12th of July

Further details:
Tel. 046 9032170

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide