Pieta: Jog 120 in July

Jog 120 in July image

Join thousands of individuals participating in Pieta's Jog in July challenge. By doing so, you'll contribute to raising lifesaving funds for suicide and self-harm services, all while pursuing your own personal fitness objectives.

All you’ve got to do is WALK, JOG, OR RUN 4 kilometres each day throughout the month of July.

Could you jog 120km in July? We’re asking you to walk/run/jog 4km per day in July and help raise funds for our suicide and self-harm services.

By joining Pieta’s Jog in July challenge, you’ll be making an incredible difference by providing funds towards our services. Pieta is over 85% funded by individuals like you, so thank you for taking on this challenge.

Sign up for Jog in July now.

We have created a Facebook Group HERE of people like you who are doing this challenge. Join it to see how they’re getting on!

Any questions? Look at the FAQs below, or email Darran at challenges@pieta.ie.

More Information


Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide