Dignity Partnership Visibility Awards 2024

DiP is excited to bring you the 4th DiP Visibility awards. 

This award ceremony is DiP's flagship event that publicly acknowledges people from refugee and asylum seeking communities who, regardless of the difficult situations they find themselves in, continue to positively contribute to their communities. 

'Kudos' award will be presented to people (community volunteers) who promote meaningful social and economic inclusion for people from a refugee and asylum seeking background. 

The event will also involve dialogues on social & economic inclusion for underrepresented groups of people. This is also an opportunity for people to expand their social and professional networks.

This is a free event, please click the links below if you would like to nominate someone or if you would like to book a seat.

Visibility Awards nomination: https://forms.gle/c6cZwjYZTZzXefqeA

Visibility Awards RSVP: https://forms.gle/3ytoe98173wKugh5A

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Region: Athlone, Co Westmeath