Online safety training for staff and volunteers working with young people aged 12-18 years

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Connect Safely Programme 12-18 years

Connect Safely is an online safety programme which promotes safer use of digital resources, equipping young people with the skills to safely benefit from being online. It also empowers young people to safely participate in their online communities as positive digital citizens.

The programme is suitable for young people aged 12-18years. It covers topics such as cyberbullying, privacysettings, screen time and well-being, gaming andgambling, sexting and online relationships. More topicscan be seen in the graphic below. The programme can befacilitated in person, online or through a blendedapproach and can be used in all youth work settings.

Please see Brochure attached below for further information


To apply for a place on training, please complete the Online Registration Form

Early application is advised as places are limited. Your registration will be reviewed and based on merit, places will be offered. Upon acceptance of a place you will be notified directly by email. Full attendance is necessary to become a trained facilitator of this programme.

Jessica Murphy
Senior Youth Officer Connect Safely
086 4127292

Attachment Size
Connect Safely 12-18s Brochure 1.89 MB
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Region: Online