Seville Place Girl Guides : Volunteers Needed

Interested in Joining us?

As a Guider, you will experience incredible personal development and learning opportunities, by practising leadership, programme planning and communication skills. You will inspire and motivate girls and be their mentor as they explore new challenges, develop new skills and empower each other along the way!

Why Join

  • Make a dierence to girls
  • Share your skills
  • Make new friends
  • Have fun
  • Learn new skills
  • Change the world!

We are based in Dublin 1 and meet every Thursday from 6pm - 7:30pm, we are looking for female adult volunteers who like to work with children. 

The person must be Garda Vetted and must undergo SafeGuarding Training and potentially First Aid.

If you are interested please contact:

Seville Place Girl Guides Dublin 1
Deirdre: 0894473164

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Region: Dublin 1