Cultúr Migrant Centre: Human Resources Committee Member x 2

Human Resources Committee (two members)

The HR Committee is a sub-committee of the Cultúr Board. 

The role of the HR Committee is to:

  • Ensure that Cultúr is a good employer of staff and that it complies with all legal requirements and best practices regarding HR policies and procedures as required by law and by the Charities Regulator’s Code of Governance
  • Monitor developments in HR and other regulatory areas so that policies and procedures can be amended accordingly
  • Develop specific HR policies, e.g. regarding staff recruitment and selection; volunteer management; reviews of staff pay and conditions, new developments in health and safety legislation, etc
  • Review the staff handbook to ensure that it complies with the necessary regulations
  • Assist the Programme Manager in staff recruitment, induction, training, and other processes, as needs arise.

The Committee will meet at least quarterly or more frequently as the need arises.


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Region: Nationwide