Safe Home Ireland: Board Directors


Join Safe Home Ireland Board of Directors

Established in 2000, Safe Home Ireland (Safe Home) is an information, advocacy and outreach support service for people who are considering moving or returning to Ireland. We originally supported qualifying older Irish born emigrants to explore the option of returning to secure accommodation back in their native counties; we now offer a broader range of services to anyone, regardless of age or circumstances, who may be considering moving or returning to Ireland. Our work is spread across the 26 counties and we provide supports at every stage from an initial enquiry abroad to actual return home. Please see our website HERE for more information on our services, activities and impact.

Following a recent governance review and to ensure effective succession planning, Safe Home is now seeking expressions of interest from individuals to join our voluntary board of Directors. We are particularly interested in hearing from people with experience and background in the following key areas:

  • Financial oversight and audit
  • Measuring social impact
  • Fundraising
  • Legal expertise

Note! Previous experience on a non-profit board would be a bonus.

Responsibilities will include:

  • An understanding of and commitment to Safe Home Ireland values, mission and vision;
  • Providing input to the strategic direction of the charity;
  • Ensuring that the charity is complying with its charitable purpose for the public benefit;
  • A commitment to the highest levels of corporate governance;
  • Ensuring that all legal, financial obligations and other requirements are met;
  • Acting in the best interests of Safe Home Ireland.

Board Terms and Requirements:

  • There are six board meetings per year, normally held on Wednesday afternoons via Zoom;
  • Additional time will be required for preparation and reading of materials for board meetings, as well as participation in established sub-committees as required.

Applications are welcome from people living outside of Ireland and an initial commitment of three years is preferred, with the possibility of serving two additional terms.

For further information and/or to have an informal chat, please contact; 
Karen Mc Hugh (CEO) via Tel: +353 87 977 5080 or email at

Note: This is a voluntary/unpaid position but Board members can be reimbursed for 'out of pocket' expenses where this is deemed appropriate.

Application form HERE together with cover letter to be submitted as part of the process.

Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 23rd August 2024

Attachment Size
Recruitment Pack 238.74 KB
Application Form 104.53 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Online