Suicide or Survive: Wellness Workshop Carlow

Suicide or Survive & Connecting for Life Logos

Thursday, 26 September '24 9:30am – 4:30pm 
Talbot Hotel Carlow, Graigue, Portlaoise Road, Co. Carlow
31 spaces available


A Wellness Workshop is a day for you to take time out and learn a wide range of practical tools and tips that you can use in your everyday life to improve your own wellness. This one-day workshop aims to help you understand and take charge of your own mental health. The workshop is for anyone and everyone who is working or volunteering in health, education, community or social services as we all have mental health! It is an opportunity for you to support yourself personally and professionally.

The participants of this one day programme will take away:

  • Relaxation and stress management
  • How to bring calm to your life
  • The relationship between thoughts and emotions
  • How to develop a wellness toolkit and daily wellness plan
  • An introduction to mindfulness and meditation

Wellness Workshops are informal and relaxed. They are facilitated by people with both lived experience of mental health difficulties, and people with experience of working in various mental health arenas. A comprehensive Wellness Workbook to support you in maintaining your daily wellness is also included along with refreshments on the day.

Refreshments, snacks and a lunch will be provided to all participants.

If you have any specific dietary requirements can you please let us know before the event so we can inform the venue of your needs.


We would ask that you only book a place if you are certain you can attend on that date, this is so that we can avoid reduced numbers on the day of the workshop. While this workshop is free to you as a participant, it is delivered at a cost to the providers.

If you have any specific dietary requirements can you please let us know before the event so we can inform the venue of your needs.

Please click here to book a place.

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Region: Co Carlow