The Learning Curve Institute: Remote Learning - An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing – 4th Edition

Remote Learning - An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing – 4th Edition:

This workshop is eligible for learning credits/CPD points for members of The Psychological Society of Ireland and The Addiction Counsellors of Ireland.

Developed by Miller and Rollnick, Motivational Interviewing is a client-centred approach that elicits behavioural changes by assisting individuals to explore and resolve ambivalence. This approach is especially helpful with individuals who are less motivated. Research has shown Motivational Interviewing to be helpful with a wide range of client groups and issues. This two day course, will equip participants with a sound understanding of Motivational Interviewing theory and skills. This workshop is open to individuals and can also be delivered as in-house training to groups of employees.

The programme will allow you to interact with your trainer and other participants. In addition to the workshop content there will be live discussions, question & answer sessions and skills practice.

Suitable For: Therapists, Counsellors, those working in the sectors of Social Care, Education and Training, Youth and Family Care, Human Resources, Mediation, Employment Services.

“Many thanks for such an informative and comprehensive 2-day training session. It was most enjoyable, and Gary definitely has a great voice for delivering online programme. Slides were an excellent adjunct resource, and the provision of short breaks enabled me to re-connect and re-focus.”

Orna Tully, Stroke Services Coordinator CHO2 (West of Ireland), Irish Heart Foundation, May 2024

Date and Times:

08 and 09 October 2024 | 09:30 – 16:30 (CET-1) each day

For full details on the course please click here:…

Programme Content

The workshop will include some of the changes introduced in the new 4th edition of Motivational Interviewing:

  • MI as a research and evidence informed practice
  • Evolving definitions of MI
  • The characteristics of effective helpers
  • Communication Styles
  • MI and client ‘Empowerment’
  • MI as a way of Being
  • Four Tasks
  • Fixing Reflex

Learning Outcomes:

  1. To equip participants with the tools to enable them to develop and build on their own counselling skills.
  2. To build on and expand existing knowledge in relation to Motivational Interviewing within the group.
  3. To enhance confidence in attendees' use of Motivational Interviewing skills.
  4.  To become familiar with the general principles of Motivational Interviewing:
    • Express empathy
    • Develop discrepancy ∙ Roll with resistance
    • Support self-efficacy ∙ Avoid arguments.
  5. To provide space and time for participants to become familiar with Motivational Interviewing and use the following core skills:
    • Listening
    • Use of Open-ended questions ∙ Affirming
    • Reflective Listening
    • Summarising
    • Eliciting change talk


Participants will receive an eCertificate of Completion in "An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing 4th Edition" from The Learning Curve Institute.

About The Learning Curve Institute:

The Learning Curve Institute is Ireland’s leading specialist trainer in mental health, addiction and best practice in the workplace providing a bespoke service to healthcare professionals, education establishments and industry.

Some of the organisations and bodies that The LCI has delivered in house training workshops and courses to over the past 15 years are:

  • EmployAbility
  • Health Service Executive
  • The Probation Service
  • The Defence Forces
  • Baxter Healthcare
  • Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland
  • Element Six, De Beers Group
  • The Medical Council
  • Merchants Quay
  • Maynooth University
  • The Simon Communities: Dublin, Dundalk, Galway, Belfast and Cork
  • The Homeless Agency
  • Peter McVerry Trust

Other Information:

The Learning Curve Institute offers a unique pre-course questionnaire to each participant to ensure the training meets the needs of everyone in the group and is tailored to the appropriate level while also covering specific situations or scenarios as highlighted by the group.
In addition, there is a post course support system available whereby participants are provided with the contact details of the trainer and are free to contact them with any questions they may have.


Price €265.00
This includes a copy of the workshop slides, other supporting documents and links to relevant literature by email and an eCertificate from The Learning Curve Institute.


To secure a place on the workshop go to and book online. For further information or assistance regarding bookings contact the office on 098 25530 or email

The course has a limited amount of spaces available so immediate booking is advisable.

Phone: 098 25530

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Remote