St. Brigid's Community Centre: Heart and Home Programme

We are delighted to introduce "Heart and Home: A Parenting Journey of Connection, Growth & Support," a new program launching at St. Brigid's Community Centre in Ballintra.

Parenting can be overwhelming, and many parents struggle to find harmony amidst the chaos of daily life. Our program is here to help. It offers practical tools and insights through two well-being courses, each running for four weeks with weekly sessions:

  • Parenting from Your Heart: Nurturing Compassion and Connection in Family Life
  • Beyond the Outburst: Cultivating Calm in Times of Stress

Participants will also receive an individual life coaching session and follow-up support meetings, all completely free thanks to a grant we received. The first course starts on Monday, September 30th, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Priority will be given to those who can attend all four parts of the program, and spaces are limited.

Interested participants can apply via this link or contact us directly at 083 863 3919 or Sara Anderson at 087 718 9620.

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Region: Ballintra, Co. Donegal