Budget 2025: Equality Proposals have Widespread Support Statement by Community Foundation Ireland

Equality proposals to combat poverty and end polarisation in communities enjoy public support and should be considered for Budget 2025, according to Community Foundation Ireland.

The Foundation is responding to a Red C poll which shows that two-thirds of people agree with the introduction of a targeted tier of child benefit for families living in material deprivation.

The poll by the Children’s Rights Alliance also shows 76% of voters agree with increased welfare supports for low-income families.

Denise Charlton, Chief Executive of Community Foundation Ireland said:

“Experts, advocates and now the public all agree that targeted welfare supports are needed to bridge the inequality gap. Today’s poll is a further endorsement of our research with the Economic, Social and Research Institute which sets out targeted child benefits as a policy option to lift 230,000 children out of poverty.

Similarly, a call for core welfare payments to keep pace with inflation also enjoys high levels of public support.

It is our hope that Government will listen to the public as well as researchers and child-rights advocates, all of which are partners of the Foundation and working to secure Equality For All in Thriving Communities.”

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