Irish Emergency Alliance: Gaza and Lebanon Emergency Response

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We are seven leading humanitarian agencies who have come together to respond faster and do more to save and help rebuild the lives of people affected by major emergencies worldwide.

Our member organisations are ActionAid, Christian Aid, Plan International, Self Help Africa, Tearfund Ireland, TrĂ³caire and World Vision.

Our Gaza And Lebanon Emergency Response

The crisis in Gaza is desperate, with men, women, and children hungry and homeless, but the Irish Emergency Alliance is responding through our brave humanitarian workers across Gaza, as well as the West Bank and Lebanon, to bring life-saving essentials to those who need them most.

Families have been devastated, losing their homes and the people they love. Nearly everyone in Gaza has had to flee all they know. Right now families need your urgent care and support. Time is running out. Without your help, people will keep dying. Please help send vital food and water, shelter, blankets, essential medical supplies and healthcare. Help us let families in Gaza and Lebanon know they are not forgotten.

For the humanity we all share, thank you for sending whatever help you can.

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