Wildlife Crime Conference 2024

Wildlife Crime Conference 2024

Wildlife Crime Conference: Strength in Unity

The Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime Ireland and Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland are delighted to launch our 2024 Wildlife Crime Conference

Date: 17th October 2024
Johnstown House, Co Meath

This Conference aims to enhance cross-sectoral collaboration for wildlife and environmental protection. It hopes to bridge the gaps between government bodies, conservation groups, legal experts, and community stakeholders. It focuses on unravelling the complexities of existing legislation protecting wildlife and the environment, and highlighting the necessity of cohesive efforts to tackle wildlife crimes and conserve biodiversity.

Through a series of engaging talks, interactive workshops; mock crime scenes and court cases, and networking sessions, participants will explore innovative strategies for policy integration, share best practices for enforcement and compliance, and foster partnerships that leverage the strengths of diverse sectors. This conference represents a unique opportunity to catalyse action, inspire change, and advance collective efforts towards sustainable environmental stewardship and wildlife conservation.


We are delighted to welcome the following guest speakers:

Fiona Conlon
(Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ISPCA Senior Inspector)

Kevin Kelly
(Head of UK National Wildlife Crime Unit)

Representative from Revenue
(Revenue Commissioners, Irish Tax and Customs, Customs Division, Prohibitions & Restrictions Unit)

Alice Lacey
(Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ISPCA Senior Inspector)

Judy Peters
(La Touche Training)

David Smith
(Legal Department in the Office of Environmental Enforcement at the Irish Environmental Protection Agency)

For more information and to register, please click here.

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Region: Co Meath