Youth Work for All – Youth Work Ireland’s National Consensus Conference 2024

outh Work Ireland’s National Consensus Conference 2024 poster

Date: Monday November 4th, 2024
Venue: The Gibson Hotel, Dublin

Tickets can be purchased here>>

About this event:

Young Ireland asserts that, “…access to mainstream youth services is valuable for all young people, whatever their circumstances.” Youth Work Ireland shares this value and believes that, as a right, there must be access to youth work for all young people in Ireland without exception.

The Youth Work for All Consensus Conference, will explore this aspiration including policy intersections, the rights basis for it and the role of voluntary sector organisations in the youth work ecosystem, the needs of volunteers and young people and all other considerations which will help us to realise this important goal. Concrete steps to realise youth work for all going forward will be identified.

The conference will feature inputs, interactive workshops and panel discussions and is targeted at youth workers, youth work managers, volunteers, educators, policy makers, community development workers, students and anyone interested in learning more about universal youth work.

The conference will:

  • Build on the centrality of youth work as a response to young peoples’ aspirations and needs.
  • Advocate directly with policy makers and elected officials for the right of all young people to have access to quality youth work services in their local communities.
  • Challenge policy makers to provide for mainstream youth work in policy, legislation and budget.
  • Agree the centrality of volunteers, and voluntary-led youth work.

Tickets can be purchased here>> or find out more at

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Region: Dublin 1