ICCL is an independent membership organisation that works to defend and extend civil liberties and human rights. A core part of the ICCL's work is raising awareness of civil liberties, rights and justice issues.
The Irish Centre for Human Rights is one of the world's premier academic human rights institutions, dedicated to the study and promotion of human rights, international criminal law and humanitarian law.
The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ) is an agency of the Irish Jesuit Province, dedicated to undertaking social analysis and theological reflection in relation to issues of social justice, including housing and homelessness, penal policy, environmental justice, and economic ethics.
We offer a free and confidential information service on various areas such as Employment, Social Welfare, Education, Justice, Non Nationals, Housing, Health, Consumer Affairs, etc.
LASC (Latin America Solidarity Centre) is a membership-based organisation. We are individuals who share a passion for real social change in Latin America and Ireland, and we believe that peace with justice and equality for all can come only through genuine participation of everyone in society’s decision making.
The OCO investigates complaints about services provided to children by public organisations. The service is free and independent. The Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) is a human rights institution that promotes the rights and welfare of young people under 18 years of age living in Ireland.
Co-operativeHousing Ireland (CHI) is an Approved Housing Body providing 4,000 high quality homes to low-income households. As a representative body, CHI champions co-operative principles in delivering homes and supporting communities.Co-operative Housing Ireland has been a leader in providing truly affordable homes across Ireland since 1973.
Pagan Life Rites (Ireland) is a voluntary non-profit organisation which advocates in the interest of Pagan traditions in Ireland and offers community support to persons of Pagan faith.
The Peace & Neutrality Alliance (PANA) was established in December 1996 in Dublin. PANA seeks to advocate an Independent Irish Foreign Policy, restore Irish Neutrality and to promote a reformed United Nations as the Institution through which Ireland should pursue its security concerns.
The Pat Finucane Centre, based in Derry, advocates human rights and encourages political development and social change in Ireland. The centre promotes a nonviolent ethos and actively works to build alliances with groups and individuals within the radical and progressive wings of Irish politics.
Pavee Point is a partnership of Irish Travellers and settled people working together to improve the lives of Irish Travellers through working towards social justice, solidarity, socio-economic development and human rights.
We provide a professional one-to-one therapeutic service to people who are in suicidal distress, those who engage in self-harm, and those bereaved by suicide. All of our services are provided free of charge and no referral is needed.
Printwell began in the early 80s in the Dublin Resource Centre, Temple Bar as a Co-operative. Our aim is to work with and support other organisations and community groups seeking social justice and to express themselves in print and other media through good design.
Reach Deaf Services is a non-profit charity enabling the Deaf Community and Deaf people generally to achieve their full potential and to have equality of access and opportunity in all aspects of their lives. Reach Deaf Services focuses on the areas of education, social care, pastoral and spiritual work.
Rethink Ireland provides cash grants and business support to the social innovations who can make a real difference. Our task is to fuel these innovations with the knowledge and the advice they’ll need to succeed on a nationally impactful scale.
Sage is the National Advocacy Service for Older People. It also supports survivors of institutional abuse; and healthcare patients who can’t access support elsewhere. It responds according to need with Information – Support – Advocacy – Safeguarding.
i-Smile International (Ireland) is a non-profit organisation set up to reduce isolation, improve confidence and increase participation of migrant women in mainstream society, enabling them enjoy the social, financial and legal inclusion they need to smile to a positive future.
Social Justice Ireland is an independent think tank and justice advocacy organisation that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.
South Dublin County Partnership is a local development company in South Dublin County, Ireland. We develop and deliver projects to tackle poverty and social exclusion in the area. We do this through working together with people, local groups and partner organisations to address the issues that matter most.
SPIRASI is a voluntary and intercultural humanitarian organisation. It welcomes refuge seekers including survivors of torture whatever their background, and works with them and the host community in the process of integration.
TASC is an independent think-tank whose mission is to address inequality and sustain democracy by translating analysis into action. As a public education charity (CHY 14778), TASC engages in research and public outreach concerning inequality, democracy, and climate justice in the current political, economic, and social environment.
Teach Tearmainn provide free and confidential support services to women and children in Kildare and West Wicklow who are or have experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse. At Teach Tearmainn, we provide women with a safe and confidential space to share their experiences and explore their options.
The Integration Centre is a non-governmental organisation which is committed to the integration and inclusion of people from immigrant backgrounds in Ireland.
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