Fold Housing
Our Mission is to:
“Provide the best housing, care and support to those in need of such services”
The Organisation
Fold Housing has obtained approved status from the Department-of-Housing-Local-Government-and-Heritage. It is a not-for-profit limited company formed by guarantee of the members and without a shareholding. Its organisational purpose to date has been to develop partnerships with local authorities, appropriate care providers and developers in greater Dublin and in the border counties to provide social housing at these locations.
The responsibility for the general policy, management and operation of Fold Housing resides with a 9 person voluntary unremunerated Committee known as the Board. Board Members are recruited from the local community. Day to day management is delegated to the Chief Executive & Fold Housing senior management team.
Contact information
Fold Housing
The Crescent Building,
Northwood Office Campus,
Dublin 9,
D09 X8 W3
Tel: 00 353 1 8228804