National Learning Network
National Learning Network provides training and specialist support to people who, for a variety of reasons, may find it difficult to gain employment. Whatever your circumstances – whether you are long term unemployed, have an illness or a disability – National Learning Network can help you.
As Ireland's largest non-governmental education and training organisation, we offer over 70 different training courses from art and cookery to computer and business skills in centres across the country. So, whatever your interests, we have the course for you!
You can access training programmes in a variety of ways: in your local centre, with a local employer; or even from the comfort of your own home. All National Learning Network courses are funded through SOLAS or the Health Service Executive and therefore most students receive an allowance for participation. 90% of students who completed a course with us last year went on to further education or training.
Contact information
National Learning Network
Roslyn College, 21 Cathal Brugha Street, Dublin 1
01-2613400 (course enquiries)