Brothers of Charity Services
The Brothers of Charity Services serve people with an intellectual disability and their families throughout the world. The Brothers of Charity Services in Ireland are structured in such a way that the six Regions, Clare, Roscommon, Galway, Limerick, South East and Southern, are operationally autonomous services.
Over the years each region has developed a broad range of services, generally together with voluntary groups. Partnership between Service Users, their Families, Staff, Volunteers and Advocates, ensure our service is fit for the challenges we will face in the future.
Mission Statement
"Belonging to an internationally active movement and rooted in the values of the Christian Gospels, the Brothers of Charity Services Ireland provides quality services to support people who are in danger of being marginalised and strives to create opportunities and choices that develop and maintain connected lives where all are cherished as valued and equal citizens in our communities."
Contact information
Brothers of Charity Services - Administrative Headquarters
South Eastern Region
Belmont Park, Waterford.
Tel: 051-833400