Ethiopiaid Ireland
How we are different
Ethiopiaid works with Ethiopians to help transform their lives. With your support we work for an Ethiopia without poverty, in which every person enjoys the right to quality education, healthcare and a life of dignity.
We are experienced
We have been working with Ethiopian people for over 25 years. We do not run projects ourselves. Instead, we give local people opportunities – through funding – to use their initiative and skills to make the right difference. We have never experienced fraud. We have never had to ‘fire’ a partner. In fact, we often see the same wonderful faces year after year. Such loyalty and experience is invaluable and means that every Euro that you give us is used as effectively as it can be.
We are efficient
We share our office space with another company, who generously cover the cost. We have a small team of 2 that manages all of the processes that larger charities do – our campaigns, our partners, our finances and our administration. We only spend what we need to on this last part whilst the rest goes where it is most needed: our Ethiopian partners.
We are focused
We know our strengths and our limitations. We do not promise to change the world, or even all of Ethiopia. What we do know – from firsthand experience – is that our partners make the biggest difference in their local community.
Importantly, we have no staff or offices in Ethiopia. We send your donations directly to Ethiopia so that they can be spent as soon as they’re needed. We make sure that suitable amounts are sent at the right times and our partners do the rest.
Contact information
Hampton House, Ground Floor, 27 Mount Street Lower, Dublin 02, D02 FC43
Tel: 01 677 5188