Irish Global Health Network
The Irish Global Health Network (IGHN) is an independent network of people from different backgrounds, sectors and disciplines who are concerned with health inequities and issues that impact on the health and development of populations at a global level, with a particular commitment to those living in low- and middle-income countries.
Established in 2004, the IGHN has within its membership health and development professionals and others with an interest in and a commitment to influencing education,advocacy and policy working within the NGO sector, health sector and academia. Its membership is both local within Ireland and global. Membership is open to any individual who has an interest in global health, regardless of disciplinary background.
Our Vision
Maximising Ireland’s contribution to a world in which all people of all ages have the opportunity to achieve and sustain good health and well-being.
Our Mission
Our mission as a network is to facilitate learning, connecting, influencing and engaging for individuals and institutions within the global health community in Ireland and worldwide.
Contact information
Irish Global Health Network
c/o Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Beaux Lane House
Mercer St
Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: +( 353) 1 402 8668