NARIC Ireland
Hosted by QQI, NARIC Ireland provides free advice on the recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland.
The NARIC Ireland qualifications database has details of almost 1200 qualifications from over 140 countries. The information we provide is particularly relevant to Registrars, Admissions Officers, International Officers and Career Office staff dealing with foreign applications for entry into education and training programmes in Ireland.
We offer advice online in the form of a Comparability Statement which places the foreign qualification in the context of the Irish education and training system.
NARIC is one of a network of centres that forms part of the ENIC-NARIC (European Network of Information Centres / National Academic Recognition Information Centre) network. These centres work to enable the mobility, transparency and recognition of qualifications by providing information on education, training and qualifications system.
Contact information
26-27 Denzille Lane
Dublin 2
D02 P266