Engaging Dementia
Engaging Dementia is a registered charity that provides training for those who care for people living with dementia in nursing homes, day centres, hospitals and family homes. Our mission is to improve communication, engagement and connection for people living with dementia and their carers. We offer a range of training programmes, resources and community activities.
We are involved in organising many different types of community activities such as sensory dementia friendly gardens. Our Irish Dementia Cafe Network continues to grow and are hugely popular. The Irish Dementia Cafe Network offer a safe and welcoming place for people living with dementia and their carers to meet up with others on a regular basis.
Contact information
Engaging Dementia
Mounttown Community Facility
Lr. Mounttown Road,
Dun Laoghaire.
Co. Dublin.
Phone: 01-2608138
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/engaging.dementia
Twitter https://twitter.com/EngagingDemIrl
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/sonas-apc
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/va0tepx9d7gyqj0vaq3xo7zew?si=ce2321a2743b481a