National Traveller Women’s Forum: Community Development Worker


The National Traveller Women’s Forum
Invites applications for

Community Development Position

National Traveller Women’s Forum (NTWF) is a national network of Irish Traveller women and organisations working to address intersectional racism and discrimination against Traveller women in Irish society.

Post: 4 days / 28 hours per week permanent (hybrid and flexible working arrangements can be discussed). A probationary period will apply.

Salary: Annual salary of €32,483.36 based on a 4 days/28 hours per week.

Personal Specification:

The successful candidate will be expected to have a relevant qualification in Community Development or Equality & Human Rights and or 2 years’ experience working in a community development organisation or other relevant Community development organisation and can demonstrate experience in using an anti-racism, community development and interculturalism approach. We particularly welcome applications from the Traveller community.


  • Motivated and committed to using the principles of community development to achieve full equality for Traveller women and their community.
  • Non-judgmental approach.
  • Excellent communication interpersonal skills.
  • Good report writing skills.
  • Ability to build strategic relationships and work with a range of stakeholders.
  • Ability to engage and liaise effectively with potential and current funders.
  • Work on own initiative and as part of team.


Send your competed application with a cover letter outlining your interest in the post for the attention of the NTWF chairperson to

Shortlisting will apply, and it is intended that interviews will take place shortly thereafter.

Please do not send a C.V. it will not be considered.

If you have any queries or questions, please contact Edel on 087 4503233.

This post is funded through the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

NTWF is an Equal Opportunities employer; applications are welcomed particularly from the Traveller community.

Attachment Size
Job Description 66.44 KB
Application Form 712.94 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin 2